Monday, April 7, 2008


Kie nang cipari

jan pemerintah cilacaplah mbuh kepriwe luh sumber apik apik koh ora di urus kur di jorna thok
ngisin ngisin lah kayakiena sumber pariwisata yg langka pemandian air panas andaikan di dandani di rapini di bersihin mbok malah dadi mendatangkan duit selain akan menjadi terkenal

Untuk keterangan lebih lanjutnya dalam bahasa endonesia baca di cilacapmedia

At CIPARI the hot tourist attraction of the water bathing place busy was visited by tourists on the normal day and the holiday day, at first when the deliberate holiday season came to bathe hot water.
Many visitors who came from outside the area like Ciamis, Tasikmalaya and Banyumas.

It seems hot water that came from the source similar to this well and contained the sulphur could cure the illness, especially the skin illness.
Many visitors who came to feel appropriate, all the illnesses that were suffered by him could recover.
They who bathed this hot water usually not only one time, but up until several times so that his illness get well soon.

But The Cilacap regency apparently was not so serious worked on the potential for the available tour
At this time many potentials for the tour that was deliberate Did not heed because they think in the value not all that imported the profit

If Regional Government Cilacap preceptive and immediately straightened out the Air Panas Cipari Bathing Place tourist attraction.
It is not impossible that the place of the Hot water Cipari Bathing Place will be more interesting tourists from outside the area

they say Hot water that originated in the place that was similar to this well emerged since the 1930 's.
When the Netherlands were still occupying several territories in Indonesia, including in the Cipari

its was poested by CILACAPMEDIA


Anonymous said...

Mung pemerintae rung siap go ngelestarikane dean bekyu. Apa dana pemerintah sing go pasokan daerah keh di pangan dewek alias di korupsi..

Gambarpacul said...

hi.hi...ora komen lah

Anonymous said...

lha disabarna bae mbokayuuu moga-moga anane gambar sing kaya kuwe pejabate pada melek..lan terus cancut tali kolor eh tali wondo hehehe

Anonymous said...

iya ya yu...eman eman kuwe..isa dadi pendapatan daerah yaa...
apa rika baen sing mbeyayani..hiqiqiqiqiqi...

cewekndeso said...

Ajay :> iya biasane, kue pancen mulane ra maju ya wong duite pada mlebu meng kantonge masing masing

Pacul :> ra komen?? mringis !

thann :> nek pejabate ngerti internet ya sukur wong bejabate be ra mudeng blas

maruria :> nek nyong sing biayayi ya cepet sugih heheeee akeh korupsine hahaaa

wku said...

halah, kepriwe kuwi?? saru temenan enggane... hehe.. sori rada kagok cilacapan...

Anonymous said...

mrono ah....

Anonymous said...

kuwe jane tergantung karo warga sing perek lan pamonge jejel anger digotongroyong digawe tempat wisata tuli maju engko angger wis maju nembe diaku karo pemrentah kaya kuwe tuli biasane mbokayu