Nek nang Chat Room biasane akeh bocah sing Dolanan iggy "satu orang bisa kirim 20 pesan yg sama dalam satu detik dan pada ahirnya kita seperti meng ignore id kita sendiri" juga ana sing seneng usil nek ora seneng ndeleng id yg bikin jengkel ahire di boot.
bagi para chatter sing biasa nongkrong di Room wis pada siap dengan segala Resiko mangkane nek Mangkal para Chattter Chatter kie ora menggunkan Yahoo Messenger Biasa yg Gampang di Boot dan di bikin error
Para Chatter sing wis pinter biasane menggunakan ChatClient seperti RoomDestroy, Chat killer, My Chat dan sing agi mandan tenar para petangguh Chatter menggunakan Yazak, dan terahir masih jarang ada yg tau dan jarang sekali yang pake kutelusuri di Berbagai Yahoo Chat
Room sampai sekarang jarang ada yg make Yaheven kie contohne yazak
aku lebih suka dengan ChatClient yg satu kie Yaheven lebih powerfull dan lebih aman dari Yazak karena di dalam booter apapun bisa di setting untuk ngeboot biarpun dia menggunakan Yazak tp untuk yaheven kie urung bisa di boot
contohne Yaheven
cara cara untuk ngeboot makenya kayak kie:
Using a Booter is not just load the bots, add the victim then Click the Boot Option, but for best result we need know what type of Messenger that they use use for chat !
How to :
Ok i like Yazak so, first use Yazak ( Yahoo Chat Client )
Look at the picture, when i use Yazak and see the List of chat user, there is some initial "YZ" behind the Yahoo ID so the user use Yazak.
others initial :
YT = Yahoo Tunnel
YE = Yahelite
YL = YM Lite
YM = Yam
and there is others chat client that not showing their initial, but using Yazak its easy to know :D
If you already know what type Messenger that they use so you can choose the right Boot Option because sometimes the Booter Option using different Boot Packet that working on Yahoo Messenger but not working with Yahoo Chat Client, so be smart !
The must important thing is that :
- If your victim still can receive the PM so they still can be Booted !
- Using Yahoo Chat Client is easiest way to know what Boot Option is corect for the victim
How to :
Ok i like Yazak so, first use Yazak ( Yahoo Chat Client )
Look at the picture, when i use Yazak and see the List of chat user, there is some initial "YZ" behind the Yahoo ID so the user use Yazak.
others initial :
YT = Yahoo Tunnel
YE = Yahelite
YL = YM Lite
YM = Yam
and there is others chat client that not showing their initial, but using Yazak its easy to know :D
If you already know what type Messenger that they use so you can choose the right Boot Option because sometimes the Booter Option using different Boot Packet that working on Yahoo Messenger but not working with Yahoo Chat Client, so be smart !
The must important thing is that :
- If your victim still can receive the PM so they still can be Booted !
- Using Yahoo Chat Client is easiest way to know what Boot Option is corect for the victim
wah, jian jenius tenen kancaku iki... aku wae sing lulusan s# hura dong carane... yo wes mengko nek bar adus tak bukake meneh tak pelarane. ben mudeng aku. btw, aniwe, buswe.. makasih banyak ya nduk..
Ampuun... Mbakyu, jangan di boot ya id ku. Masuk ke room susahnya setengah mati lho niki.
Tetapi betul koq, Yahelite dan sebangsanya memiliki sekuriti yg bagus dibandingkan YM yg standar.
Mbakyu suka mojok ya...
wis suwe ora tau YM-an
gak mudheng!
halah ra ngerti aku :D
chating seperlune thok :D
Triyanto :> monggo di pelajari nek kepengin :)
Terlihat :> aku seneng ngeroom guyonan tp nek mojok ya ora lho :) dosa wes ana bojo :D
pacul:> rika arep ym an karo sapa kang ? karo inyong ya ayuh :D
slumun slamet :> ra sah d pikir
pinkina:> ngonoh kui suing jenenge bener chating seperlune :D
jan salut temenan......... padahal nyong tembe blajar......waraih lah......
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