Friday, November 16, 2007

**blajaran basa ingris**


There are many reason why someone doesn't want to listen to us, to understand them, let's try to imagine ourselves in the same situation when we don't want to listen to the others.

sometimes we are just not in mood to listen, because we are very busy or we don't feel well, or as in my case i haven't take my morning coffe yet, other times it depend on the fact that. because of preconceieved ideas or part experiences, we don't feel a connetion with the respone speaking to us and our refusal to listen coincides with the rejection, of the other person from who is different from me.

in order to establish good communication, also in a more spontaneous relathionship among brother. we need to keep in mind several factor:

Our own dispotition, that of the persone we listen to, and the way we communication with one another.

The firs step as you have to realized, is not to assume that you are elder brother, because Your little brother maby feel threatened ract by shutting The doors in his heart.

if he want to be able to give something to other people and this is true communication what i say must coincide with who i am.


Bangsari said...

jan apik banget koh nggo bahasa inggris. mangsude kepriwe guwe mbekayu? hehehe

cewekndeso said...

aku be ora ngertine anu asal asalan nulis jere sing penting mbok anu YES NO hi..hi..